About TPE Expansion Joint Tapes

Construction joints are exposed to movements caused by thermal or other stresses. To waterproof construction joints permanently an elastic material is required. ELASTPRO TPE JOINT TAPES is a proven joint sealant; it is resistant to mechanical stresses, UV radiation and aging, it is also resistant to aggressive chemicals.

Thermoplastic tape for sealing expansion and dilatation joints and broad, irregular cracks. ELASTPRO TPE EXPANSION JOINT TAPE is UV resistant, highly elastic and can withstand extreme movements in the joint.

Construction joints wider than 20mm (2cm) to up to 500 mm (50cm) are waterproofed with ELASTPRO TPE JOINT TAPE.

2-Component Epoxy-resin Adhesive is applied in 2:1 ratio onto the stable and prepared substrate. ELASTPRO TPE JOINT TAPE is bonded to both flanks of the joint with the first layer of adhesive. After that the joint tape is embedded into a second coat of 2-Component Epoxy- resin Adhesive. 2-Component Epoxy-resin Adhesive has excellent adhesion to concrete and to the ELASTPRO TPE EXPANSION JOINT TAPE and are elastic and tear-resistant..

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